Legal fees – Singapore HDB flat for sale

Legal fees – Singapore HDB flat for sale

Buyers have a choice of whether to appoint HDB lawyers or outside solicitors to act for them in the sale & purchase. By appointing HDB lawyers or outside solicitors to act them, sellers and buyers are required to pay their respective legal fees. If using outside solicitors, the buyers are advised to shop around for competitive legal fees. Singapore HDB flat for sale.HDB’s legal fees are fixed by HDB. Generally, the legal fees for HDB lawyers are lower than that of outside solicitors. If the sellers have outstanding housing loans, sellers are required to engage outside solicitors to act for the discharge of the bank loan. The normal practise when taking bank loans is for the buyers to engage outside solicitors to act for them. However, even with bank loans, the buyers can still choose to appoint HDB lawyers to act for them.

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Singapore HDB flat for sale

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