Non-landed housing type – Room for rent in Singapore

Non-landed housing type – Room for rent in Singapore

APARTMENT – not strata titled. Room for rent in Singapore.

  • Apartment owner only owns the airspace without any share in land or common property

APARTMENT – strata titled

  • Land size is usually less than 0.4 hectares (about 43,000 sq ft)
  • May have recreational facilities like swimming pool, security etc.


  • Minimum land size is 0.4 hectares (about 43,000 sq ft)
  • With recreational facilities
  • Strata titled

Code of Ethics and Professional Client Care

This Estate Agents Act applies to estate agency work in respect of property situated in Singapore and outside Singapore. room for rent in Singapore

The Act does not apply to the following:

  • Persons selling, buying or leasing properties for themselves, including property developers and their employees because no estate agency work involved.
  • Any person who performs estate agency work solely in relation to land banking

Definition of estate agent :- “estate agent” means a company who does estate agency work

Definition of salesperson :- “salesperson” means an individual of an estate agent who does estate agency work.

Definition of estate agency work :- “estate agency work” means any work done for or in expectation of any fee for a client, including the following:

(a) being work done in relation to the introduction to the client of a third person who wishes to acquire or dispose of a property; or

(b) being work done after the introduction to the client of a third person who wishes to acquire or dispose of a property.

Due diligence and compliance with law  and statutory requirements

Shall conduct their business and work with due diligence, despatch and care, and in compliance with all laws including statutory and regulatory requirements, and practice circulars and guidelines, including the following: room for rent in Singapore

  • Must comply with and shall not do or attempt to do anything that infringes, or which may directly or indirectly lead to the infringement by any person of any law; and
  • Must take all reasonable precautions and do all reasonable acts to ensure that no law is infringed by any person.

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room for rent in Singapore

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