How to confirm the tenure and estate in land – Property in Singapore for rent

How to confirm the tenure and estate in land –  Property in Singapore for rent

The best and most accurate method to confirm the tenure and estate in land is to refer to the Title. The electronic version of the Title can be obtained through a Title search at INLIS. To do the searches at INLIS, go to, move your mouse to the ‘Other Search Services” tab at the top of the ‘Home’ page and click the item to search. The data available from doing searches at INLIS are as follows, property in Singapore for rent: 

  • Ownership information – name of the owners
  • Property information such as the tenure, size, encumbrances, etc
  • Property identification – Lot particulars
  • Certified plan and Strata Certified plan showing the size, dimension and drawings of the site or floor plan.

Please click here to search for property in Singapore for rent.

property in Singapore for rent

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