Key points in the Resale Checklist for Buyers – Singapore property for sale/ rent
Singapore property for sale/ rent – The Salesperson must go through the key points in the Resale Checklist with the buyers before the buyers exercise the Option to Purchase. The key points in the Resale Checklist for Buyers who engage Salesperson are as follows: Singapore property for sale/ rent.
Flat details and Salesperson details:
Signature of Salesperson:
Eligibility to Purchase
- Buyers must qualify to buy a resale flat under one of HDB’s eligibility schemes.
- Buyers must meet the eligibility conditions if they want to apply for the CPF Housing Grant (including Additional CPF Housing Grant and higher-tier grant).
- Buyers must comply with the Ethnic Integration Policy and Singapore Permanent Resident Quota Policy on the date of submission of Resale Application.
- If buyers intend to take an HDB housing loan, make sure:
- They can meet the loan eligibility conditions and obtain a HDB Loan Eligibility (HLE) Letter before they start looking for a flat. (The HLE Letter indicates the maximum loan amount the buyers can get, monthly loan instalment, etc. and has a validity period of three (3) months).
- The HLE Letter has not expired at the time they exercise the Option to Purchase and at the time they submit the Resale Application to HDB.
- They are aware that if they take a second HDB housing loan, the loan amount will be reduced by their CPF balance/refund and half of the cash proceeds (including the cash deposit received) from the sale of their current or immediate past flat (they may keep the greater of $25,000 or half of the cash proceeds). HDB reserves the right to determine the amount of proceeds to be deducted in offering the housing loan.
- If they intend to take bank loan, make sure:
- They obtain a bank’s Letter of Offer (LO) before they exercise the Option to Purchase.
- They have accepted the LO when they submit the Resale Application.
HDB’s standard Option to Purchase
- Buyers have to read and understand the Option to Purchase document.
Upgrading Cost (if applicable)
- Buyers to check if the flat has been involved in any upgrading programme and who is liable to pay the upgrading cost.
Resale Information
- Buyers should be aware that making any false declaration, such as under-declaring or over-declaring resale price, entering into any supplementary agreement or cashback arrangement, is illegal and punishable by law. Singapore property for sale/ rent.
Confirmation by Buyer(s):
Yes, my/our Salesperson (name above) has gone through all the items in this Checklist with me/us in _____(language) on _____(date/time) before I/we exercise the Option to Purchase on _____(date).
Signature of Buyers:
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